how to correctly pull a tick out
Avoid jerking or twisting. Very gently pull straight upward in a slow steady motion. How To Remove A Tick Deer Ticks Ticks Types Of Ticks Once theres nothing still stuck in the skin clean the area with rubbing alcohol. . Pull outward in a straight motion until the pressure pulls out the head of the tick. Use forceps tweezers with medium or fine blunt tips to grasp the tick as close to the point of entry as possible. Once the tick is removed swab the affected area with the disinfectant. DO NOT twist crush or jerk the tick as this may agitate the tick and increase the chance of transmitting infections the tick may be carrying. Once the tick has detached lift the tick away from the skin. With a steady motion pull straight up until all parts of the tick are removed. Your vet may need to confirm that you removed the head. Do not grab the ticks body as this can increase the chance of injecting the ticks blood in...